frequentLy AsKed QueStioNs
Where can i buy your books?
All my books are available from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and major book retailers in paperback and e-book. In addition, all of my Dragonrider series (Chronicles, Legacy, and Trials) are also available on Audible!
How can i get the latest updates for your books?
The best way to keep current on what's going on with my new releases, cover reveals, signings, and appearances is by following my social media accounts! You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Goodreads, Bookbub, and Snapchat! Follow me and let's talk books!
What order should i read the dragonrider series in?
This is purely up to your preference as a reader! Chronologically, the series happen in a the sequence of Chronicles, Legacy, and Trials - BUT!!! I have specifically written each series to be able to stand on it's own. That means you don't necessarily have to read them in order, unless you want to.
Are your books right for my child?
I get asked a lot about the age appropriateness for my books. As a mother, I can TOTALLY understand where parents are coming from with their concerns. Please visit the FOR PARENTS page here on my website - it breaks down the content of each of my books to give you a good idea of what kind of material is in them. This is information you can use to determine if my books are appropriate for your young reader.
There are also a few worksheets that homeschooling and summer reading parents can download and use to make my books an educational experience for their students as well as some fun puzzles and word searches!